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Skilled Labor Jobs in Dubai, UAE & GCC

Job Title & Requirements



3-4 Years

As a Carpenter, you will be responsible for constructing, installing, repairing, and maintaining structures made of wood, plywood, and other materials. Your duties will include reading and interpreting blueprints and building plans ...

Posted on 08 Dec 2024

Find and Apply for Skilled Labor jobs in UAE and GCC

Skilled labor has been in great demand in the UAE for several decades, and it continues to be one of the most sought-after occupations in the UAE and GCC. The country is experiencing a perpetual need for skilled labor due to the constant expansion of the nation's infrastructure and construction projects.

The UAE relies heavily on foreign skilled labor, and there is a high demand for jobs such as electricians, linemen, plumbers, fitters, carpenters, masons, HVAC technicians, etc. Many such open positions can be found on Talentmate.com, a platform that connects job seekers in the UAE with prospective employers.